Wednesday 19 February 2014

Beginners HIIT Workout Plan

Beginners Workout Plan

As previously mentioned I have no qualifications in personal training or HIIT, all of this information is based on personal experiences. I would highly recommend seeking medical advice before undertaking any HIIT routine and getting proper advice from a HIIT professional or personal trainer to ensure you are doing each exercise correctly. 

I follow

There are loads of websites and blogs that give really great daily routines, google them and find one that you like best.


Aim to work out three to five times per week.  (preferably 5)

Minimum of 12-15 mins a day for the first two weeks.

Each day includes total body exercises and specific exercises  to specific focus areas (bum, legs, abs, arms, back and chest)

You will need a skipping rope and an interval timer, If  you don’t have one you can download one from the app store on your phone.

Set your interval time to 2 intervals, one for 50 secs, one for 10 secs.
If you find this too much to begin with use 30 secs, 10 secs, obviously working out for the longer period.


If you are finding the exercise your on too tough, do something else to keep your heart rate up (jogging on the spot, jumping jacks, high knees), its v important to keep the heart rate up. On your 10m secs rest you are basically getting ready to move straight into your next exercise.

When the first two weeks are complete increase your time to 15-18 mins, adding in extra exercises to make up the time. If you have been working at 30/10 increase to 50/10 to increase the intensity.
The idea is to build up to 24-30 mins of HIIT 2/3 times per week with 2/3 days weight training in-between but that’s a few weeks away yet.
Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after, taking in plenty of protein after the workout as high intensity exercises tear and break down muscle fibers so protein is needed to strengthen and repair post workout.
If you are unsure of how to do any of the exercises, just google them or search them on you tube, they are all on there.


Day 1
1.       Skipping
2.       Push ups
3.       Burpees
4.       Skipping
5.       Toe touch abs
6.       Tricep Dips
7.       Skipping
8.       Mountain climber
9.       Plank Jacks and twist
10.   Skipping
11.   One leg tricep dip
12.   Ski abs

Day 2
1.       Jumping jacks
2.       Squats
3.       Froggers
4.       Skipping
5.       Pile squats
6.       Chair Lunge
7.       Jumping Jacks
8.       Prisoner Squats
9.       Chair Step ups (alternate legs)
10.   Skipping
11.   Lunge and twist
12.   Standing Calf raises

Day 3

Day 4
1.       High Knees
2.       Bicycles
3.       Side crunches
4.       High Knees
5.       ½ Burpee and push up
6.       Mountain climber
7.       High Knees
8.       Reach through side plank
9.       Walking push up
10.   High Knees
11.   Upper body twists
12.   Overhead abs

Day 5
1.       Skipping
2.       Pulse squats
3.       High knees
4.       Jumping jacks
5.       Prisoner squats
6.       Skipping
7.       Mountain climbers
8.       Goblet squats (wide squats)
9.       High Knees
10.   Squats bringing elbows to opposite knees
11.   Skipping
12.   Switch lunge

Day 6

Day 7
Back and Chest
1.       Jumping Jacks
2.       Push ups
3.       Plank and drag weight either side of body
4.       Jumping Jacks
5.       Walking push  up
6.       Plank Jacks and twist
7.       Jumping Jacks
8.       Mountain Climbers
9.       Reach through side plank
10.   Jumping jacks
11.   Burpees
12.   4 second push up ( slow push up)

I hope this helps as an introduction to your new routine.
A clean diet is crucial to your sucess!!

HIIT is not easy at the beginning. As I mentioned in my first lifestyle post my legs were shaking after my first 12 minutes! It takes time to build strength, just stick with it. 

Once you start seeing your amazing results you will be kept motivated.

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