Sunday 18 October 2015

Be Your Own Hero

Yesterday I attended a Mindset workshop ran by Pat Divilly in The G Hotel in Galway. 
I came across the course online while scrolling through my Facebook news feed. The words that caught my eye were;

I have lots of people I look up to, in both my personal life and my professional life. The idea of acknowledging my own success and allowing it to inspire me to continue to grow and achieve the goals I have set for myself, seemed a little big headed at first. But then I thought about it a little more. I am very competitive with myself and if I decide to do something I am not happy unless I give it 110%. 
I liked the sound of finally being my OWN hero. 

I think a small part of our Irish culture has embedded some negative thoughts into our minds about success and allowing yourself to think big and put yourself out there.
You will always have people who will question what you do, sometimes to help you see things more clearly, other times more negativity to put doubt in your mind that you are making the right decision. 

I have a close network of friends and family who have supported me and guided me to where I am today. 

Surround yourself with positive people and distance yourself from anyone who tries to put you down. 

I have committed myself to a 42 day (6 week) challenge to help myself achieve 10 goals I want to reach before 2016.

My ten goals are broken down into five categories;
2x Health goals
2x Relationship goals
2x Career goals
2x Adventure goals/ Bucket list goals
2x Contributory/ Charitable goals  

Everyone's goals will be different;
It could be to quit smoking, to run a 5km, to loose 2 stone, to get a promotion in work, to set up your own business, or simply to get your life more organised and utilise your time better. 

I used to be so organised with my time and strict about exercise and diet but last month things were very busy and I let them get the better of me and I lost my routine. 

There are 6 daily steps I need to complete to help me achieve my goals or at least get me closer to achieving them. 

To make myself accountable and to keep myself motivated I am going to post daily on the blog. I strongly urge anyone struggling to reach certain goals to give this a go. 

This is the template I will be following;

Each night going to bed I am going to set my alarm early enough to allow me to start my day without panic and with enough time to complete my morning tasks. 

Every morning I am going to complete 45 mins of exercise; walking, running, hiit, yoga, swimming, cycling etc. 

This is a great yoga video for beginners;

I am going to follow my exercise with 10/15 mins of meditation. Meditation is different for everyone, it can be as simple as taking time to take a few slow deep breaths, lying still and allowing your mind to relax. 
While I exercise and while either walking to work or driving to work I am going to educate and encourage myself by listening to some of my favourite audio books about success, motivation, focus and determination. If I don't use this time to educate I will allow another hour in my day to read up on work related information; training manuals, new forms of treatment, expert advice, and retraining myself with new information on ingredients in my products. 

The next step is acknowledgment. Each day I will acknowledge one person who has helped me, inspired me, contributed to my success or who has just been there for me when I needed them. A simple unexpected text of acknowledgment could make someone's else's day, why not do it.

The next step is gratitude. I do think it's all to easy to forget the great things we have in our lives and focus solely on the bad. Each morning start your day by being grateful for three things you have in your life. 

The final step is your actions;
What 3 things can I do today to help me get closer to achieving my ten goals?
List them and complete them. 

I would love to help anyone struggling with this, if you just need guidance or if you want me to be your accountability, send me your ten goals and I will be your go to point after the 6 weeks.

Please feel free to email me 


  1. Sounds fantastic, looking forward to following your journey.

  2. Sounds fantastic, looking forward to following your journey.
