Monday 5 May 2014

Day 6: Testing my limits, mentally and physically!

Woke at 8.45 after nearly 9 scandalous hours of sleep. 
Love comfy hotel beds :)

Feeling pretty lean but still have that excess layer. 
Unfortunately it is impossible to spot reduce on an area so a clean diet is essential for leaner abs.
Today's workout has to be intense. 
Started the day with breakie. 
Need a lot of energy as have planned a little 'mini mini' triathlon for my workout!!

18 minutes on threadmill- 2.86 km

18 minutes on the bike- 10 km

20 laps of the pool in 12 minutes. 
My swim was limited as I can't front crawl with my shoulder.
I swam breast stroke with my upper body supported by a float. 

Finished with 15 minutes in the Jacuzzi ;)

For a change this am I opted for omelette, with ham and mushroom.
Cup of black coffee.

Breakfast in hotels are usually one of my favourite things about staying away for a night , so this morning was prob the toughest day of my new routine so far. 
Croissants are literally my most coveted cheat treat. 
They kill me, but, every now and then I suffer for the cause as it's totally worth it. This morning there were stacks of them lined up, along with cereal and fresh fruit and yogurt. 
It especially didn't help when my boyfriend availed of all of the above and a full Irish on top of that. 

Flask of green tea

We had lunch on the go as we were driving back to Dublin from Bunclody.
Beef slices with goats cheese and chilli.

This is one of the tougher sides to eating clean. 
It is hard to plan and prepare snacks if you are away for a few days so try keep things as clean as possible and make do with what you can!

Prawns and chilli with broccoli, cauliflower, mushroom and asparagus. 
Cup of green tea.

I was pretty tired after the day and this morning's workout was a total body workout so I am nervous about how I am going to feel when I wake!

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