Monday 3 March 2014

Getting back on track: Monday

Monday morning; getting back into routine after the weekend can be difficult. 
I am off on Mondays, so for me it is my day of prep for the week.
As I was out on Saturday night I am trying to get myself back on track for the week ahead, I began the day with a glass of fresh grapefruit juice, followed by a shot of wheatgrass and aloe vera.

I usually drink between two and three litres of water a day so I always have a bottle with me.
Hydration is key.
Today was leg day so I began with a light warm up to loosen up and went through 8 different leg exercises, 12 reps of each by three sets.

After this I decided to do some restorative yoga.
My room is quite big, giving me loads of room to exercise and I have four glass doors which allow a lot of light into the room. 
Today the sun was shining and the room was really warm, perfect environment for restorative yoga.
I focused on hip openers and spinal twists.

The next part of my day was spent food shopping and getting everything prepared for my lunch for the next few days.
It can seem like a big task, and it does take time, but it is worth it to have yourself organised for the week.
I usually put some music on or have a film or t.v. show playing in the background to keep me entertained as I work.

My boyfriend recently picked me up a cook book, specialising in gluten, sugar and dairy free recipes. 
I am really enjoying trying out new things.
It's called 'The Extra Virgin Kitchen' by Susan Jane White.
Today I made Baked Sweet Potato with an omega humous. 
I have a salad with rocket and walnut, feta and avocado to go with my Baked potato.

I also made my Butternut squash soup with Black Bread with Sundried Tomato.

I will have the recipes up on the blog during the week!

Tomorrow morning is 6.30am Rise and Shine Ashtanga so I will be in bed early to ensure I am well rested for my class. Last week I was really happy with my progress moving into head stands so I am excited to see what tomorrow's class will push me into.

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