Monday 20 May 2013

Make up tips! Fighting Bacteria.

Cleaning your makeup brushes is something that most people do not do on a regular basis. 

This is a big mistake!!! 

Mascara should be discarded after three months of use to prevent bacteria. Mascara tubes are an ideal environment for bacteria to grow as it is dark and moist. Changing them regularly will help prevent nasty eye infections, a similar rule should apply to your makeup brushes. 
It’s recommended you clean your makeup brushes every two weeks! This sounds like a lot of hard work but believe me, it’s worth it. 

There are two main reasons for this:

1) To prevent Skin Problems - Makeup brushes can hold a lot of bacteria and it grows and reproduces at a very alarming rate. Putting bacteria filled brushes into your makeup and then onto your face not only contaminates your makeup but it can also lead to skin problems and acne break-outs.  It’s really important to keep your makeup brushes free from bacteria in order to maintain healthy skin!

2) Prolong The Life of Your Makeup – This falls into the same category as above.  Bacteria filled brushes dipped into your makeup products quickly lead to contaminated products. The more bacteria growing in your makeup products, the shorter the life span those makeup products are going to have. 

Now that you understand why it is important to clean your makeup brushes regularly, it is important to learn how to properly clean them as easily as possible and in as little time as possible.
Your brushes will need drying time so clean your makeup brushes at night before you go to bed so that they are dry in the morning. 

  Here’s What You Need:
Makeup Brushes
Hair Shampoo 
Hand Towel

Rinse your makeup brushes under warm running water.
Apply a dab of shampoo onto each brush and lather the shampoo.
I use the palm of my hand to clean my makeup brushes turning the brush bristles in circular motions against my palm.
Remove excess water gently with the towel and then lay the brushes flat to dry overnight.

So, once every two weeks, take the time and get washing!
Your brushes and your skin will thank you!!

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