Since deciding to add a lifestyle section to my blog my daily views are increasing rapidly.
A New Me:
I have also received loads of positive feedback and nice mails encouraging me to continue the good work.
It is not easy to put your life up for show in front of hundreds of people and especially to post pictures of your body.
I am happy to do it if it means other people will find motivation through me.

I used to look at pictures of slim models and wish for their bodies, now I look at pictures of fit, strong women and use them as inspiration.
Skinny vs Fit
I have a curvy figure, I know I can't change this but I can
tone up and embrace the healthy feeling I get from a clean lifestyle, with regular exercise.
I have had some mails requesting different information on techniques and exercises and what equipment I am using.
I am getting to those, the post's will be up soon!
Although, I have no qualifications in this area, any advice or information I provide is purely from my own personal experiences so if there is anyone more qualified, please feel free to leave comments on my posts so we can all educate each other.
"Nothing lasts forever so stay motivated as long as you can."
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My Picture Diary:
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