It is getting to that time of year again where every other weekend there is something going on, night's out, weddings, festivals etc.
The start of all this is St. Patrick's weekend.
In preparation for a heavy weekend of nights out and alcohol I decided last week I would train extra hard..
This was a mistake.
I have always had a weaker upper body and have been spending lot's of time trying to strengthen my shoulders through weights and my yoga.
I over-trained and injured my right shoulder.
There are a group of muscles around the ball and socket joint called the rotater cuff and these are easily strained.
I went for acupuncture on Friday afternoon before yoga to help speed up my recovery.
I also had some cupping to drain any toxins from the muscle tissue.

What are the Effects of Acupuncture and Cupping Treatment?
The effects of Acupuncture and Cupping on the body are numerous.
The low pressure pull on the muscles and skin result in an increase of blood circulation, a rise in skin temperature, promotion of the metabolism and cell function in the skin, improved function of the sweat and sebaceous glands, and the removal of stagnant dead blood.
It also activates the secretion of synovial fluid helping to lubricate and ease stiffness in the joints.
Used on the back it assists in correcting subluxations and fixations of the vertebrae and plays an excellent role in relieving pain and discomfort of the spine while improving the functions of the internal organs, parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves.
My Friday yoga was restorative so it complemented my treatment perfectly.
Sunday night I had friend's from home come to visit.
We went to town for drinks and had a great night.
Knowing no exercise would be done on Monday I attended Sunday morning Hot Vinyasa Flow Yoga.
It was a great class and I felt better knowing I had a great workout done before consuming extra calories that night.
The bar we were in served Gluten free Beer and I have been noticing this in more and more bars recently.
I don't drink beer but it is great to have the option.
Monday morning was a bit of a disaster for me.
I ate regular bread with my breakfast, I had dairy and I totally broke away from my clean eating. I know it was a direct result of my alcohol consumption the night before.
I immediately felt the negative effects of my lack of discipline.
Swollen abdomen, cramps and total discomfort.
I am usually really good when it comes to my diet and really pay the price when I don't stick to it.
I am going to do a separate post on bloating and how best to avoid it and deal with it when it occurs.
We were heading out again on Monday for The All-Ireland Club finals as my friend Diarmuid was on the St. Vincent's squad.
I was anxious about drinking again and I knew it was going to set me back further in my routine.
I became a bit obsessed last year and it caused me to miss great night's out with friends.I told myself that I will enjoy myself while out, but that I would make up for it the following week training extra hard and eating extra clean!!
How I make up for my bold weekend is what's important!
This morning I got up, decided to plan my week and get back on track.
I am focusing on HIIT this week as I need to rest my shoulder from very heavy weights until I am fully recovered.
My plan for the week:
Light exercise to ease myself back into the week; A walk along the Pier in Dun Laoghaire.
I prepared my lunch and dinner for the next three days to ensure I get back to my clean eating.
24 minutes of HIIT exercise.
1 minute working, 10 seconds rest between each exercise.
6.30am Hot Ashtanga 75minutes
HIIT 30 minutes
60 seconds working, 15 seconds rest in between.
Restorative yoga for 75minutes
Hoping my shoulder will be able for me to do some leg weights with my Barbell.
8 exercises, 12 reps of each x3 sets
It is okay to break away from routine and enjoy yourself every now and then.
Often feeling guilty sets you back.
Recovery is key, get yourself motivated with holiday plans or a new outfit you would like to purchase and get straight back into it!
Often feeling guilty sets you back.
Recovery is key, get yourself motivated with holiday plans or a new outfit you would like to purchase and get straight back into it!
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