So this post is all about Feet!!
Great Feeling Feet!
Everyday wear and tear from our shoes can be quite uncomfortable, but aside from this it can also cause hard skin to form. If this hard skin is left untreated it can become calloused and painful.
This is where Scholl come in.
There are a huge range of products to choose from in this range.
I am going to highlight a couple I think are great.
The first is Scholl's Dry Skin Exfoliater
This product is great to help remove dry skin on the surface of the feet. Used alongside Scholl Hard skin Recovery Cream feet are left soft and smooth. The recovery cream contains salicylic acid to help breakdown stubborn areas of hard skin. Apply this cream in the evening to the heel and ball of the foot to prepare the skin for removal.
This leads me to the next Hero product..
The Express Pedi Roller..
It does exactly what it says on the tin!!
You simply run the express pedi over clean dry skin and it quickly exfoliates and removes any hard dry skin.
You don't need to use any pressure, the speed of the roller gently does all the work.
I am addicted to this product.
You only need to use it once a week if you have prepped your skin with the other products.
Finally, 2 products for those of you that suffer with corns or fungal infections.
I am fortunate enough to not suffer with either but Caroline, the scholl expert explained to me the uncomfortable side effects people can experience.
Corns are round thickenings of skin on the feet that can be painful if they press into deeper layers of skin. They occur when toes rub against each other or when skin is squeezed between shoes and the bones of the feet.
Corns are often caused by footwear, so try to ensure your shoes are comfortable and give your toes room to wiggle about. How you walk can also cause them. If corns are a persistent problem for you it's worth speaking to your GP or Podiatrist.
Treatment of hard corns involves reducing and softening the hard callus, removing the nucleus of the corn and ensuring we prevent any further pain.
This product has a scraper which is used to remove the top layers of the corn, use this every 3 days.
The liquid is applied daily and softens the corn. The scraper is a specially designed safety blade so normal soft skin cannot be damaged.
The liquid also contains urea which hydrates the corn.
We often have clients present with fungal nail infections for pedicures and unfortunately we have to turn them away as there is a very high risk of spreading the infection and cross contamination.
Fungal nail infection is one of the most common conditions to affect the nails.
The nails become discoloured, thicken due to the nails natural response to protect itself, has a ridging effect and becomes brittle resulting in the nail breaking off or coming away from the nail bed.
Mild Fungal Infection
Severe fungal infection
Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment is only suitable for customers with a mild fungal nail infection.
It is specially formulated to penetrate into the nail to kill nail fungus at its source. It also helps spread the fungus and prevent recurrence.
The treatment works in 2 phases.
Phase 1: Treatment Phase (4 weeks)
To Kill the fungus.
Week 1 - File the nail surface once a week.
Dispose of the file after use.
Apply the advanced liquid to infected nail daily.
Repeat for weeks 2, 3, & 4.
Phase 2: Protection Phase (9 months)
To prevent spreading and protect from recurrence
Apply the advance liquid to the infected nail once a week for 9 months or until nail discolouration has grown out.