Monday, 20 October 2014

The countdown is on..

My Friend's wedding is on this Friday.

I had been trying to eat as clean as possible and get five workouts in per week in the build up to the wedding!

Last Saturday night we had a pre-wedding get together after the church rehearsal, it ended up a late one and let's  just say I spent all day Sunday eating and 'recovering'. 

I had no energy to do anything and found myself eating the wrong food all day.
Needless to say I woke up feeling like crap.

So, I made a plan.
45 mins of HIIT to get myself back into routine followed by a strict clean diet for the day.


Two poached eggs with avocado and homemade paleo bread.


Homemade Butternut squash soup with pumpkin seeds and peppered salami


Poached Salmon with cous-cous served with tomato, broccoli and asparagus.
I also made a soy and ginger sauce from my SaBa cook book.

Tomorrow's workout is an Upper Body weights session.
Early to bed tonight to catch up and a bad sleep last night.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Flour free pancakes = bloat free belly :)

These pancakes are YUM! 

My sister's friend Catriona gave her the recipe. 
I love it.
There's no flour and no milk which for me, means no bloating :)

When I make my paleo bread I have 4 egg yolks left over so I use these to make these pancakes. 

Beat up the eggs

Add in three mashed bananas.

You can add some honey or agave syrup if you want them sweet as a treat.

Make them small as they are difficult to keep together turning them if they are too big.

Serve with some fresh fruit or with a salad for a savory lunch.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Making Changes...!

It's been a busy few weeks as I am in the process of making some HUGE changes in my life and I have had less and less time to workout. 
I made it my mission to ensure when I did, it counted.

My sister lives in London and has recently started HIIT and  is beginning to see great results. 
To help keep her motivated I have been sending her over my exercise routines to follow along to. I learn most of my routines from different blogs and fitness pages I follow. 
I have also recently joined a gym near my home which has given me more variety to add to my workouts. 

I have had a couple of naughty weekends out with my friends and boyfriend too where I found my diet slipped a bit.
Oktoberfest and my anniversary dinner to name a few.

I have just completed my shopping for the week;
Fresh fruit and Veg, Chicken, Eggs, Avocado.

I ALWAYS find when I have planned ahead my diet is perfect. 

I am currently doing 45 minutes of HIIT three times a week and trying to get at least two days in the gym lifting heavier weights.